
Heya (recommends)

From: sharingservices@aol.com email me directly at Ayliev65@hotbox.ru One of the best compliments I've been given is that I'm "sprite." I associate that word with the lyrics of the fantastic Sprite commercial from the 80's. "I like the way you make me laugh I like the funny things you do You've got a style that's all your own I like the sprite in you You make me want to smile You know, you make me sparkle too You're such a kick to have around I like the sprite in you" I seek to follow Jesus. I have a background in full-time ministry. I'm not a "stick up my butt" kind of Christ-follower. I know that we all do "stupid," but that Jesus redeems us from those mistakes. I want to be with a man who will challenge me in my faith, pray with me, and serve others with me. Integrity, purity, and respect is a must. My two boys are a gift from God. I've been entrusted with the care of those guys and I seek to raise them according to God's heart. Questions I seek to have answered: Will he have fun playing tennis with me? I'm not quite an average player, but it's so much FUN! A great work out, too. Is this someone who is willing to fast and pray for me if I'm struggling or need a spiritual break through? Is he the kind of man I want my boys to be like when they are adults? How's that for pressure? ; ) Does he have supportive, Godly men in his life who challenge him?


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reply-to: zwfacd vizaevro01@yahoo.com
to: hqlfoy juramos@yandex.ru

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